Choices, Choices, Choices


Written on 12:22 PM by Christian Olson

I'm entering in my final year of my Masters degree and suddenly I'm filling the pressures of choosing what I want to do when I grow up. This is quite challenging for me since I feel that I would like/succeed at whatever type of Inst. Tech that I embark on. Still, I'm waiting for the job posting that says, "Wanted: Someone who does everything and enjoys whatever we want him to do." Usually the job duties require specific skills or qualifications.

This leaves me with a dilemma, I'm in my last year of schooling and I need to decide in order to tailor my class schedule, internship, resume, etc. It seems like now is the perfect time to do that. However, it is harder than it seems.

There are basically four choices: 1) University, 2) Government, 3) Business, 4) K-12. If there are more, then I'd certainly like to hear about them, but these are the areas of which I'm aware. Each has fairly different pluses and minuses and I think that I'd succeed in whatever one I choose. Again, the problem is making that ultimate decision.

So I'm soliciting your help, Blog-o-sphere! I want to know your thoughts about this. Do you have experience in these sectors? Do you have great advice? Do you have any job/internships available for education/training? Anyway, help is being solicited!

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