Earlier I asked for help in deciding an internship and I thank you for all your help (total comments: 0). Well, I decided on one nevertheless. It looks like I'm going to Hawaii to help design and create instructional courses. I'm really excited to put all my theory into application. Let's hope the family enjoys living on the North Shore.
As an added bonus I'm including one of my favorite songs from a Hawaiian artist:
Being a poor student I've had to cut corners wherever I can. Most people are upset, because they've had to reign in their budget or live without things. HA! I've been doing that since 2001.
The problem is sometimes your really need something. Not just want it, but your NEED it. See, being an student in technology and education, I can't believe how much I use the Adobe Creative Suite. There seems to be a project that requires this Suite about every single day. It is so bad that I found a copy of CS1 yesterday in my computer at work and I jumped up and down like it was Christmas.
The problem is, however, that unless you have a rich benefactor giving you money, you can't afford it. So, I've compiled a list of software that will help you get by while in college. I hope this helps some poor college student.
OELMs Github Updated and Demo Video
The OELMs source code has been updated on GitHub to include better
documentation to help you get started as well more examples of content and
activities. A...
Individual Harmony: Vegetarian Lifestyle
Vegan way of life is a standout amongst the most widely recognized sorts
of accomplishing individual congruity and concordance with our general
grant review
So haven't posted for a while in here, but since I am having my students
create a blog this semester I thought I should get back into it too.
Anyone who kno...
Jim Groom is Watching Me
Jim Groom, aka Rorschach, is watching me. He apparently took umbrage with
my ELI presentation in which I–very much tongue-in-cheek–suggested that he
and Mi...
Reflecting on reflection
The art of teaching is just that, an art. Some people come by it naturally,
and some have to work at it. To me, the key to becoming a good teacher is